måndag, augusti 10, 2009

Weight of the world

Yours truly is actually carying the weight of the world, at least of her own little world (which is chocolate heaven). I think I finally realized I'm on my way of becoming a little fatty this sunday when I was out looking for a pair of new jeans. Not only did the sizes I tried on NOT fit, not even the size above them fitted. I live in chocolate heaven but also seem to be renting a flat in the land called Denial. And denial, thy name is Ben and Jerry Chocolate Fudge Brownie....

I'm craving chocolate like a madman... But I'm not gonna eat it anymore!
........ as much as before.

I'm not that good at discipline either, so I'm just gonna try to exercise more, for starters. Last night I took a fast walk with staffs for about 45 minutes. I'm going to try doing that every other day.

Wish me luck!

2 kommentarer:

CG sa...

Säker på att du använde "staffs" när du var ute och gick? De flesta använder "poles" men man kan aldrig veta. Gandalf använde ju en "staff" när han var ute och gick. :-)

Fia sa...

Well, man vet ju aldrig med mig riktigt.. :)