lördag, oktober 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hello everybody! In today's honour, I've searched and found Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas clip "This is Halloween!", and I am strongly considering renting the movie. As you may well know, I am very fond of musicals. Anyhow, have a very, very, merry and happy halloween/Allhelgona, remember the loved ones and please remember that ghosts DO exists (ooooOOOoh) no matter what people say.

torsdag, oktober 29, 2009

A week later

Now it's almost weekend, and how I long for it! This week has been somewhat calmer and I have had time for some reading... The sci fi circle had a meating yesterday, we talked about this book which is funny but rather disgusting sometimes... Also, I have made a list of books to read until the end of this year. Of course, I will not even have the time to read half of them, and the list will grow larger even still. But it's nice to have everything in proper order. Now I'm reading Do androids dream of electric sheeps? by Philip K Dick. It's written in the 60's, but it's still cool. (The inspiration for the motion picture Bladerunner)...

But enough of the sci-fi. This weekend is halloween, and I've got nothing to do! Some would say "Oh, how sad for you" or "Oh, how sad and patetic you are to not have any friends to invite you to parties" but I'm saying "wooohooo - now I'll make time for some major romance! Maybe Jean M Auel or perhaps Marian Keys... And maybe I'll rent a movie too?

Autumn is nice, now I don't have to feel guilty for wanting to stay indoors and read...

Live long and prosper

torsdag, oktober 22, 2009

Do you löv me?

(I know, it's not funny... not funny at all... :)*

Hiya guys! I promised a while back to let you know how the autumn in Skåne looks like, and now it's in full "bloom" down here... It's actually been somewhat cold (I even wear a cap somedays!) but of course it's nothing compared to the dry cold air in Norrbotten.

My parents have told me that Norrbotten have snow (!!!) all ready. I just wanted you to know I am really envious. Winter is my favourite season, at least in the beginning. I love the way the white snow lies like a blanket, covering the sleepy earth and letting it rest and gather strength for the spring... the way the snow glitters, and the sound your shooes make when you walk, and the sent of wood burning in a stove... The bright, starry nights...

But I wont miss out on it completely. This year I'll be coming up to Älvsbyn a while before christmas, which is nice. That way I can help with decorations and preparations. And spend some time with mom, dad and granny! I'm sad to say I will not spend christmas with my boyfriend, as usual, but he will be up later for New years eve in Luleå! (yeeeej!)

*For you non-swedish: The word "löv" means leaf but sounds like the world "love". (I know, it's still not funny :)

söndag, oktober 11, 2009


These pics are from Pildammsparken in Malmö, which means the Willow pond park. The pictures where taken on a trip there the 20th of september. Now the leaves are more yellow and red - even more beautiful. I can't help being in awe of the amazing climate difference this long country has to offer. Up where I come from it has allready started to snow and it's about 8 degrees below zero (celcius) in the morning.

Party Party

Last night I was at a birthday party in Malmö. It was really nice, we had lots of good food and fun and games. I had a chance to meet some wonderful people and - of course - sing singstar. My throat hurts a little today...

Today I'm planning on doing some major slacking.

fredag, oktober 09, 2009

Disaster strikes again!

Yes, Hi! It's me again.

Today I've lost one of my hearing aids. It's completely gone, it must have jumped out of my pocket. Damn damn damn.

And tomorrow I'm going to a party and I have no idea what to wear!

onsdag, oktober 07, 2009

Oh Noes!

Since my middle name is Disaster I have been busy lately with lots and lots of fun stuff. Like...
- being tortured at the dentist
- forgetting my wallet (it is very hard to ride a bus without money, not to speak of getting food to eat)
- accidently pressing some sort of destruct-button on my work computer (there has to be a destruct-button, otherwise it wouldn't behave like that), thus making the help-desc furious, not to mention the work piling up while having *so much fun* trying to solve the problem

Well, well. I can't say that I'm surprised... ;)