onsdag, augusti 26, 2009

The Science Fiction book club and the snappy waiter

We meet every three weeks or so, and have been doing this for a little while. Tonight was a bit of a special night for us, cause we got to say goodbye to one of our fellow nerds who will be doing her nerd-stuff overseas, studying at Cambridge. (I'll miss her a lot!) And we also got to say hello to two new recruits, both of them strictly science fiction-readers who I'm going to introduce to some fantasy, hopefully to their liking.

We usually meet at Ölcaféet, but now I'm seriously starting to doubt if I want to continue going there. The seven of us ate and drank, and I ordered a cup of coffee as usual, and afterwards, I got a little bit thirsty. I had a waterbottle in my bag that I drank from, and then I put it on the table and forgot about it. A while later, when we were finishing up, a waiter came to me and sait - with a snappy tone - "You have to understand that this is not okay!". I got scolded by him for showing a water bottle. I could understand if he wanted me to put it away since it was a beverage in a restaurant, but the tone he used towards me made me SO angry. I put it away and then he came back, and started talking about it again, and I apologised, though raving inside with the injustice of me apologising to such a rude man. But I did it anyway, cause I'm a grown up.

That just pulled the plug of that evening, and we payed for our meals and left. But not before that rude, awful waitor decided that he should apologize back. He pat me on the shoulder and said something that - all though apologetic - still defended the act. I can loose my temper real quick when people are being total jerks so a part of me just want to go straight back and slap him silly.

Ok - *calming down*

3 kommentarer:

Minellie sa...

Oh... *argh* I REALLY dislike those kind of people!

Kan ni inte alla ha varsin vattenflaska nästa gång, om ni nu gillar stället i övrigt och vill gå tillbaka... kanske inte på borden hela tiden men väl synligt i väskorna, bara för att! ;)

Fia sa...

Yes, jag tror dock att vi tar ett nytt ställe. Så fästa var vi inte vid det! ;)

Anonym sa...

Det där var ju inte kul alls...Jag håller med att det är just också sättet han sade det på som inte var bra. Hoppas du har det bra i alla fall.. Kram Mamma.