onsdag, december 02, 2009

A bad day

Putting it mildly...

The day started with me riding the bus to work, and a little meeting, then bad things started to happen. Most of the time my work is very rewarding and fun, but today... not so much. Everything went wrong, was difficult, took too much time.. I had to work over time, and I still hadn't done all that I felt I wanted to do today. Then I ran to the post office to send a birthday gift to my brother (Hi David!) and I barely made it in time (sorry if the present got a little mashed up ;). I had planned to send some books to a fellow bookblogger, but I couldn't find her adress, so now she have to wait until next week. Then I went to get the bus home, and the bus was late. Then it came, and drove right by us. Then the wrong bus came. And a little while later, the right bus. Again. This time, I got on it. I met up my boyfriend in Malmö, we went to get something to eat (Burger King) and then we went home. I bought myself a ice cream package (Ben and Jerrys Chocolate Fudge Brownie). I know it's fattening but I just don't care. I need my comfort-Ice cream today...
Now I'm going to watch tv and eat it.

2 kommentarer:

Minellie sa...

Helt rätt! Glass löser kanske inga världsproblem, men det känns i alla fall bättre medans man äter den =)

Fia sa...

Visst gör det...