lördag, december 26, 2009

*Sniff, sniff*

This morning I woke up hoarse. The cold keeps winning ground, and healthy Fia just looses. But it's okay, cause I'm home at mum and dad's, where I can get the best care in the whole wide world.

Yesterday I thought I was getting better (perhaps I was, but then I went and ruined it), so I went to a christmasday party with my oldest friends E and L, the twins. We had a blast! When they were going out to Polar Hotell I went to another party at an old friend to my brother. I met all the boys, including my old exboyfriend who is still a dear friend, and we had a really nice time together. We ate a late snack at Frasses, who has come to Älvsbyn, and had opened late night just to feed the hungry christmasday celebraters. I thought it was brilliant!

But when the hour passed twelve I was soo tired, and I went home, where I fell asleep in a heartbeat. Too much fun can be exhausting! (Also keep in mind, that morning I pulled myself up at 6 o'clock in the morning to go the early Christmas-morning service...)

Well, that was my christmas day, how was yours?

1 kommentar:

Minellie sa...

You and me both then... Hoarse with a really swollen throat.

But I got to work and made it through the day!! Now I plan on doing nothing untill I have to go to work again tomorrow afernoon!

Say Hi to Norrbotten from me and do a snowangel (we have guite a lot of snow, but it's all wet and mushy)!!

Happy holliday!