lördag, december 19, 2009

Watching Eddie Izzard pretend to be a raptor

That's what I've done last night. And this night, I', sitting at home in Älvsbyn, drinking tea and resting my weary head. It's been two of the busiest days of my life!

Yesterday morning started at 6 o'clock with me walking to my colleague to ride with her to work, only to find out that the car port had been sabotaged during a break in, so it wouldn't open up wide enough for the car to drive through. We waited a while for someone to fix it, while I got some coffee in me and got cuddled and licked in the ear by my colleagues cute cat Stumpan.

We took the bus to work, but the bus had some huge problems getting forward because of the amount of snow and lack of snowtyres, and after a while the car port had been fixed, so my colleagues boyfriend drove to get us and then drove us 40 kilometres to work in the awful weather. We saw three cars and a lorrie who had skidded down in the ditch, and heard of more during the day.

Naturally, I got to work over an hour late and naturally I had more things to do in one day than I ever had had to do earlier in this job. So I had a minifreak-out, and started working and didn't stop working until I absolutely had to, or else I would miss the big thing for the evening - the Eddie Izzard show in Malmö Arena!

We got there in good time, grabbed a burger and sat and waited. The show started about ten past seven and we left about eleven-thirty. It was one experience I will never forget. Eddie Izzard is sooo funny! All though, at eleven I was so tired I almost couldn't laugh any longer. Needless to say, I slept in the car all the way home...

Today, I got up at 6 o'clock again (no rest for the busy!), drove to Sturup, took the flight to Arlanda, took the flight to Umeå, landed and ate lunch with my parents and brother Johan, drove 300 kilometres to Älvsbyn where I ate dinner, saw a movie, drank some wine and now - am finally going to sleep. For a long, long, LONG time.

Good night and PUH!

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