onsdag, november 04, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Today I've seen a teeeny weeny slowflake, falling down from the sky. And then multiply by a hundred. And then I got really excited and started to jump up and down. But it all melted away before it hit ground. Oh, what a dissapointment... how I long for snow!! (But soon I shall be home again, in my winter wonderland!) And a funny thing it, this morning I told my colleague that I smelled snow in the air. It's my good ol' Norrbottnian Nose!

And what else, then?
If you look over here you can see some lovely presents I've got. The candles and light I got as a present from my boyfriend, who also gave me a lovely dinner with a tasty red wine (Trio) last friday (I didn't forget to mention it, I just didnt have the time to ;).

The books and the other stuff comes from a "secret bookfriend" in a nationwide game called Pocket och Prassel (Pocketbook and crunchy stuff). It's a thing me and my fellow book bloggers do (we're about fifty in this game at present), all in the spirit of friendship, we love to try and to figure out the perfect gift for each other. Once a month we get a secret package from another book blogger - but who it is, that's for us on the receiving end to figure out. And of course, we give one away at the same time. But now it was the last package - at least for this Pocket and Prassel, which is the third installment.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Här har vi fått ett riktigt vinterlandskap idag (lördag) allt är vitt, snön har formligen vräkt ner det har kommit ca 1,5 decimeter och vägarna är oplogade... Men vackert är det! Kram Mamma.

Fia sa...

Åh vad jag längtar hem!!