lördag, november 28, 2009

In preparations for the holiday of holidays!

With some sleep I managed to fight the fever, and now I'm somewhat restless. Maybe I'll tidy up this place a bit, after all - tomorrow is the first advent!

But first I'm going to decorate the blog for Christmas and answer a few christmas questions!

Would you consider working christmas eve? No, ney, never

Do you bake something for christmas? Last christmas I made luciabuns, and sometimes I make gingerbread cookies. I would like to make some fudge (knäck) sometime.

Which do you prefer? Lucia buns with or without raisins? With

Which do you prefer? Home made cookies or bought cookies? I love all kinds of candy and cookies, made or bought.

Fudge or ice chocolate? Both

What does your advent candlestick looks like?  Like a red, long pig. It's very cute!

Which do you prefer? Electric candlestick or hanging christmas star? I like them both, but for the time being, I don't have anything to hang the christmas stars in, since we never put up the curtains... And now we don't feel like it, since we're planning on moving... But it does make the place somewhat cold, unfortunately...

Would you like to get christmas cards, by mail or email? By what ever that suits the giver, it's the thought that counts. But I save every christmas card I get by mail, and the emails are discarded after a time... 

What colours do you decorate with in christmas times? Classic red/green/white? Ice blue? Gold? I'm pretty classic. I focus on red green and white, with a touch of gold.

When do you start decorating at home? As early as possible! But at the start of december of first advent sounds about right.

Does the decoration have it's designated place? No, I have only decorated this apartment one time, since I've lived here only one christmas

What just HAS TO be in the christmas tree? Baubles, glitter, small santas, angels, the star in the top, electric light.

Does your christmas tree has a colourtheme? Red, green, white, gold.

A real tree or plastic tree? Since we don't have a lot of space and don't plan to stay at home for christmas eve, a plastic tree will suffice.

What do you eat for breakfast at christmas eve morning? Brewer's wort with christmas ham and mustard, and a nordic thing called Dopp i grytan (Dip in the pot).

Do you have an annual thing you usually do on christmas eve? After breakfast I spend time with the family, then I usually get a visit from Erika and Linnea, my childhood friends. We exchange a small gift and say hello, then they go home to their family. Me and my family have a cozy day, sipping julmust, listening to christmas songs, looking at holiday shows (Donald Ducks and company) then we eat a huuuge dinner and then we open our presents.

Do you drink mulled wine (glögg) that is bought or made? Usually we don't make that on our own, but last year my mother in law made some, it tasted delicious.

Which glögg do you drink on christmas, if you buy it? Blossa, of course!

What do you put in the glögg? Raisins and almond.

Are there any fruits that are a-must-have? Clementines, apples, oranges

What is your favourite christmas CD? I love Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald. Christmas classics of all kinds...

What is your favourite christmas song? Winder wonderland

What is your favourite thing on the dinner table at christmas eve? The herring sallad, the christmas ham, the christmas meatballs, the sausages

Name three christmas courses you cook all by yourself? I don't cook anything by myself, but I usually
help mother with herring sallad, ham and some times the meatballs too.

Do you prefer Brewer's wort (vörtbröd) with or without raisins? With raisins, but without is good too!

Porridge or Ris à la malta? Ris à la malta.

Do you want Dopp i Grytan as a course at the christmas dinner? No, that's breakfast.

Do you drink julmust or something else to dinner? Julmust, of course!

Which is the best christmas recipe you've got from your mom or mother in law? My mother made me a book full of recipes when I moved away from home, I usually make brownies but that's not really a christmas recipe...

Do you watch Donald Duck every year? Without it I'd be lost!

What is your favourite piece of the show? Santas Work Shop

Have you seen Karl-Bertil Jonssons Christmas? "Have I nurtured a communist by my bossom?" It's a fun thing but not as good as Donald Duck. I try not to watch to much TV for Christmas, it's a time to enjoy family and friends.

Do you have a santa claus at home? No, he lives at the North Pole

Do you buy christmas presents for many people? No, only the ones I care about. Most of the time I was studying I was a poor student, I didn't have that much money, but then I bought small presents instad.

Do you think everybody should get christmas presents or just the children? Everybody should get presents! We are all little children inside...

Do you wrap your own gifts or let the store wrap them up for you? My family has made it a sort of "thing" to wrap the presents up together (for those who are not in the room at the time). We have sealing wax and lots of rime cards, and strings in all colours.

Should the christmas paper be colourful or single colour? Colourful or traditional single colour doesn't matter.

What kind of present do you like? I like to get different things from different people, something that has a meaning. Maybe a gift that represents your friendship, or something that reminded the giver of you.

What would the ultimate christmas present be this year? I would like a cosy turtleneck sweater and cardigan. Maybe with some nice christmas pattern? And of course, a book is always a success! And if you want to know what book NOT to buy for me, you can always search by author in the window to the top left in my book blog or check my reading list which holds the books I've read for the past two years. I have a library of what books I own, it's not fully upgrated but I'm working on that.

Since I'm a huge nerd, I like http://www.thinkgeek.com/ and since I'm a movie buff, I love to get movies and television series. Maybe some old classic, similar too It's a wonderful life? I've seen most of Jane Austen's movies, but something similar to that would be nice too. All things romantic is good.

Or maybe something sci-fi? I'm interested in Battle Star Galactica or Star Gate (SG-1 and Atlantis).

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