torsdag, september 03, 2009

The best season of the year

Today I'm a little sad and still a little happy. (It's funny how these things can coexist.)

Autumn is here, or at least it will be very soon. For me autumn is The 'feel good-time' of the year. The wonderful colours, the cozy evenings in the sofa, with tea, a good book and a blanket (and a cat on top). It's time to buy some nice cardigans, a scottish scarf, a warm sweatshirt for exercise... It's time for my pelargonias to be put in from the balcony, and for the heather to take it's place. It's time to buy some extra cushions, maybe in some darker colours, like deep purple, orange, red, yellow, winter green and so on. It's time to relaxe...

Best autumnmovie: Dead Poets Society
Best autumn song: The road to home by Amy McDonald (followed by the hidden track Caledonia)
Best autumn drink: Tea, hot, earl grey
Best autumn food: Chanterelle-soup
Best autumn weather: Thunder and rain
Best autumn activity: Reading

Autumn is also, for me, a time of reflection. My brain, which has overheated during the summer, now cools off. The tempo slows down and I start to apprechiate the 'now'. The world in which I live in, the people I share it with. I'm happy about making new friends, missing my old friends, and of course my family. When I miss my loved ones, I usually listen to this song. (One of my favourite songs! I love the lyrics, and of course Scotland, Caledonia, but for me the song is about my own home, Norrbotten...)

I don't know if you can see
The changes that, have come over me
And these last few days
I've been afraid that I might drift away
So I've been telling all the stories
And singing songs that make me think about, where I came from
And that's the reason, why I feel so far away today
And let me tell you, that I love you
That I think about you all the time
Caledonia has been calling me
Now I'm going home
And if I should become a stranger
You know that it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything, I ever had
Caledonia's been everything, I ever had

Miss U guys!
(Btw, it's raining cats and dogs outside ant the lightning just killed the TV, at least for a second.)

8 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jag måste säga att du får mig att verkligen vilja börja älska hösten med dina fantastiska beskrivningar och hur du lyckas överföra dina myskänslor på mig -så hösten är ju helt ok trots allt! Kram mamma.

Fia sa...

Det är det som är meningen! =) KRAM

Hanna sa...

Det här var ju så vackert och poetiskt skrivet att jag alldeles rörd. Fick enorm hemlängtan till Sverige, hösten och mina vänner.

Minellie sa...

Jag både håller med och säger emot! Färgerna, JA, hög luft; JA, myskvällar med storm utanför fönstret; JA, cykla till jobbet en mörk morgon i samma regnstorm; NEEEJ!; Mörkret; Nja, mest nej; Halsdukar, vantar och tjocktröjor; JA =) Mest oroar jag mig för första sörlänningsvintern på länge... I'm gonna miss the snow!!

Totally of topic, vi funderar på en storsdtadshelg eller kanske bara bokskogspromenader nån helg i höst... Vill ni vara med =)

Fia sa...

Hanna, tack! =)
Liza, det låter jättekul, vi är på!

Anonym sa...


Hanna sa...

Fungerade inte.

Anonym sa...

Test 2.