söndag, juni 13, 2010

The news so far!

So much has happened this last few weeks.

I've been sailing in Croatia for a whole week - pictures will be coming soon!
I've celebrated my 26th birthday.
I've been to Tylösand in Halmstad and visited B & A.
I've been to Liseberg, Göteborg, where I have been on this ride. The worlds best rollercoaster in wood!

First of all I would like to thank you all who have remembered me on my birthday, it's been a fun day with rollercoasters and presents, and it made me feel like even though I'm getting older - I'm still just a kid. :)

And that part about me being a kid..? I don't think that'll ever change as long as I am my dad's daughter.. ;)

Second of all, Croatia and the adriatic sea was a wonderful experience. Thankfully we had an experienced captain (who is also our friend from Luleå Technical University) and a lovely crew of more or less experienced sailors. For seven days we lived on a sailboat which took us from Sibernik to Krka, to Kornati Islands, to Hvar and back around to Sibernik again. We have been to the waterfall (Krka) in the post further down below, we've been to a cave with blue glowing water, we've 'keelhauled' ourselves from the boat (we jumped off the boat while it was driving 6,5 nautical miles per hour, holding a rope that dragged us behind the boat). It was a bit scary because it was about 90 meters deep, all kinds of sharks, dolfins, whales or other strange fish may have been down below us.

The weather was lovely, mostly I was sunbathing on the deck by the keel, but I also learned some sail-talk and got to witness dolphins, tunafish, and the boat sailing almost horisontally. Imagine being on the loo and trying to pee then! ;)

It was like a rollercoaster sometimes.. One day we got some thunderstorms, so we anchored out by an island and waited it out. It was over after a few hours and we started sailing again.

I've had such a lovely holiday, and this weekend felt like a whole other holiday too. I'm glad for having my boyfriend and my friends, hopefully it won't be too long until next time.. ;)

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