torsdag, mars 11, 2010

Beach 2010

Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooom, and the weeks passed like a racecar. It's quite difficult to summarize what's going on right now, but in short terms:

Spring is on it's way, so I remind myself that beach 2010 soon is here. That means I have to loose all my "winter stuffing", a.k.ka make myself slightly thinner so I can wear all my lovely summerdresses. I've started working out (ok, I've started walking short distanses very fast), cut some calories, and most important of all, bought a decent pair of jeans that fits perfectly so I can feel comfortable. I've had problems finding jeans for quite a while... So now I'm  happy about that.

An unrelated thing, my cats are going on a trip to the vet next monday. Sota has got a swollen gum (poor thing!). I'm going to give them the usual shots for cat flu, and hopefully she'll be a bit less whiny (if that's possible).

Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is after all another day!

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