tisdag, mars 30, 2010


Det har inte blivit något björkris, fjädrar eller målade ägg (det kanske jag pysslar med någon dag under påsken) men däremot har jag pyntat med påskliljor och penséer. Var på Vellingeblomman i förra helgen på deras Påskparad å så hittade jag litet andra påskaktiga saker (ljusen och kycklingen med kronan). Det är trevligt att förnya sig ibland, och resultatet är helt klart godkänt. Eller vad tycker ni? =)

Mitt första olivträd!

lördag, mars 20, 2010

Croatia and Crazy Cats

Seems like I'm going to Croatia this june, to sail on a big boat. :)

Me and my boyfriend has a group of friends from Luleå who are skippers/skippers by association. One of them has rented a boat who will take us sailing the adriatic sea.

Seems like the adventures of Fia has not come to a total stop, it's just been on pause for the winter season. :)

I can also inform you that the cats have survived the trip to the vet, all though Aska made a sound that sounded like a ambulance siren all the way to the station. And after the visit, I got some pills to calm the other cat Sota down (she's been a bit hormonal lately even though she's castrated). She ended up veeery mellow. In fact, she was soo lazy, when she went to rest, she didn't care enough to walk all the way to her spot but laid down on her sister. I don't know what's better, having a miaoing cat or a indifferent cat.

torsdag, mars 11, 2010

Beach 2010

Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooom, and the weeks passed like a racecar. It's quite difficult to summarize what's going on right now, but in short terms:

Spring is on it's way, so I remind myself that beach 2010 soon is here. That means I have to loose all my "winter stuffing", a.k.ka make myself slightly thinner so I can wear all my lovely summerdresses. I've started working out (ok, I've started walking short distanses very fast), cut some calories, and most important of all, bought a decent pair of jeans that fits perfectly so I can feel comfortable. I've had problems finding jeans for quite a while... So now I'm  happy about that.

An unrelated thing, my cats are going on a trip to the vet next monday. Sota has got a swollen gum (poor thing!). I'm going to give them the usual shots for cat flu, and hopefully she'll be a bit less whiny (if that's possible).

Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is after all another day!