söndag, juni 26, 2011

Midsummers eve

This friday I went to Luleå to visit my friend M and the rest of the scooby gang. We had a lovely sillunch and after we went to a grill party at S and P. Among all the lovely guests you will also find L who took some lovely pictures of it all, which you can see here. It was great fun seeing them all, and their little ones, who was grown so fast! And they grow cuter still.. :-)

We ate and ate, and afterwards we drank some strange beers. Chocolate beer, raspberry beer, etc etc. I didn't taste them all... *ahem* I have a delicate stomach.We sat up until midnight, discussing interesting things and laughing. It was low brow entertainment, just the kind we like ;-)

This one I dared not drink.

I can recommend the Somersby cider. It was sweet like lemonade!

Om nom nom nom...

After the party I picked seven different kinds of flowers, which I put under my pillow. Unfortunately, I didn't have any dreams about my future husband to be. Though I could say I had really interesting dreams, never the less.. ;)   

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