onsdag, april 28, 2010

Short and intense week

This week is going to be real short and intense. On monday, I worked like a busy bee, and in the evening me and my boyfriend went to the movies (we saw Clash of the titans). On tuesday it was meetings, a little work, a long lunch with a good friend, then some errands at town, then some more work, then some more errands, then home - where I watched The tale of the two cities. No rest for the wicked...

Today I'm going to work my ass off, it's the last workday for me in the week since I am going on a seminar in Göteborg tomorrow, and then I take friday off. You see, since I have to be in Göteborg really early, I have to get up at four in the morning. And afterwards, I get home at about ten in the evening.

Oh, and this friday I'm renovating the apartment, on my day off.

Oooh it's good to be alive!!

söndag, april 18, 2010

27 dresses

Okay, I lost my english there for a while... But now I'm back on track! :))

I've just seen a chic flick called 27 dresses. It's about Jane, an eternal bridesmaid who's been obsessing about weddings since she was eight. She's a girl who's afraid to say now, always pleases other and never thinks about herself. She's in love with her boss, whom she always goes out of her way to assist in every way, while he doesn't seem to notice her. In her home she has kept all the 27 bridesmaid dresses she has had, along with a bunch of sappy wedding articles from the famous wedding-reporter Malcolm Doyle. Basically, she's dreaming about the wedding she wants but never have the time to make it happen.

On one of her bridesmaid-missions, she mets Kevin, a cynical man whom belives weddings are blowned out of porportions now-a-days, with all them bridezillas and the craze surrounding the wedding (the presents, the details, the big consumption of wedding related stuff...). She immediately loaths him, and tries to do everything to get rid of him, but he's intrigued by her.  Things arent going the way Jane wants them to go, and in the midst of all this, her egocentric sister swoops in and steals her beloved boss right in front of her. Soon, Jane is stuck planning the wedding of her dream, between her sister and the man she loves...

This is a good movie about life, love and learning to say NO. What I really like about is (and so many other chic flicks) is the moment when everything she has built up seems to be tumbling down, and she has to rebuild herself in a new fashion. Maybe she has had a revelation, an epiphany or some other strange thought, just some sort of moments where she herself just has had enough and realises she needs to prioritize herself. And when things are set in motion, all you get is this feel-good-feeling about it. Okay, maybe it's not what she had in mind or dreamed about, but it's on the way of becoming her perfect life.... :)

Sappy ol' Fia again, ey? ;)

Vampire diaries

Det är det nya svarta. Från början tyckte jag inte om serien, då verkade den bara köra på tonårsångest och popmusik, men nu har den fått en bunt invecklade och fartfyllda storylines fyllda med spännande karaktärer, mysterier, romantik och självklart litet vanlig vampyrångest... Den gode Stephan är inte så rättrådig längre och psykopatiska Damon är inte så ondskefull... Elena är fortfarande alldeles för sockersöt för min smak, men där finns potential...

Jag är nu på avsnitt 18, det senaste som kommit ut. Går och lägger mig nu när det inte finns något att se vidare på och hoppas att någon har skapat 10 nya avsnitt tills imorgon. Until then!

lördag, april 17, 2010

Åh vad pinsamt

Jag brukar vara litet kvällstrött, men ikväll somnade jag efter middagen och vaknade 23.00. Fredagsmys, vart tog du vägen?? Nåja, hann med litet Ransom med Mel Gibson i a f.

torsdag, april 08, 2010

Veterinären II

Hade en till tur med katterna till veterinären idag för att dubbla dosen antikroppar i blodet så snuvmedicinen verkar. Det gick ungefär lika bra som... tja, tänk er om någon skulle stoppa in er i en bur och ta er till en spindelfarm. Just så...

Aska var så rädd så hennes öron glödde illrosa. Stackars lillflickan.. :(

Veterinären var dock snäll med henne och efter ett litet stick fick hon åka ned i buren igen. Då försökte hon kliva upp på min rygg igen, tokiga kisse. Hon avskyr verkligen den där buren... :(

Nu har vi föresten överlevt påsken. Det blev litet renoverat och så såg jag en säsong av Star Trek Enterprise. Nu i helgen är det sluttampen på renoveringen!