söndag, februari 21, 2010

Stay in-Weekend

Since I've been suffering from a cold and out of sorts, this weekend I've stayed in bed, watched shows, read books, cuddled with the cats.... It's been really nice and comfy, but I've been somewhat restless too. I want to socialize, play games, have a beer (or plenty of them!). I'm thinking about inviting lots of people to come and play games with us sometime soon, but unfortunately we live a long way from the others and the travelling has been a big problem 'cause of the weather, so, best wait until it's warmer. (But I wanna do it now!)

Well, well. Tomorrow it's a new jobweek, with plenty of socializing. It feels good to be all relaxed (not to forget - wellslept!). It's gonna be a busy week, and I'm going to take the bus to work the whole week which means I'll catch up on my reading, but also loosing some sleep 'cause of the early hours.

Now we're going shopping for food,


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